Kairos Board of Directors

Chris Horgan – Chris has two children in Kairos. He’s a lifelong musician and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education from Louisiana State University. Chris is currently a Senior Manager at Pandora, working on the Music Genome Project.
Zahra Mahloudji, Treasurer: Zahra brings deep experience with non-profit performing arts organizations across production, administration, and fundraising. Zahra is the Administrative Director at Prescott Circus Theatre based in Oakland. She has stage-managed and produced several plays with Darvag Theater and oversaw concert productions and fundraising as youth orchestra manager for the Oakland Symphony. While on sabbatical in Tanzania, she managed operations for the Dar Choral Society (Dar es Salaam), collaborating with the conductor to bring the first-ever full orchestra concert there.
Laura Kakis Serper – Laura has vast experience directing children’s choirs and serving as faculty of non-profits. Ms. Kakis Serper received her degrees from the University of the Pacific Conservatory of Music as well as attended Westminster Choir College, and the Aspen Music Institute. Her Greek heritage inspired the name of the Kairos and its choruses. One of her Greek folksong choral arrangements was performed at Carnegie Hall. She is also the Director of Choral Music at The Crowden School where her choirs have performed with the San Francisco Symphony for three seasons, most recently in Orff’s Carmina Burana. Ms. Kakis Serper was recognized at the California State Senate for over twenty years of excellent musical service to the community through Kairos Choir programs.